ExtraConfig<T>: {
    config?: T;
    wrapper?: ((config) => Promise<T>);

This is the type for values in the optional object that can be passed to each config exported by this package.

Type Parameters

  • T extends Config.InitialOptions | Config.InitialProjectOptions

    either InitialOptions (for the global key) or InitialProjectOptions (for all other keys) from jest

Type declaration

  • Optional config?: T

    Additional values to spread into the default config.

  • Optional wrapper?: ((config) => Promise<T>)

    If provided, this wrapper function will be called with the default config to generate the final config.


    a promise that resolves to the final config value

      • (config): Promise<T>
      • Parameters

        • config: T

          the default config; if config is passed in this ExtraConfig as well, it's values will be spread into the default config before calling this function

        Returns Promise<T>